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What is it called when you hit the ball before it bounces in pickleball strategy

What is it called when you hit the ball before it bounces in pickleball strategy

In the sport of pickleball, a strategy that involves hitting the ball before it bounces is commonly referred to as a volley. Volleys are an integral part of the game and can greatly impact the flow and outcome of a match. In this article, we will explore the concept of volleys in pickleball strategy, their various techniques, and how they can be effectively used to gain an advantage on the court.

Understanding Volleys in Pickleball

A volley occurs when a player hits the ball in the air, without allowing it to bounce on the ground first. Unlike in other racket sports, such as tennis, where volleys are more common, pickleball often encourages players to let the ball bounce before returning it. However, there are situations where volleys become necessary and highly advantageous.

In pickleball, volleys are typically executed near the non-volley zone, also known as the kitchen. This area is marked on the court and extends 7 feet from the net on both sides. Due to the proximity to the net, players need to be quick and accurate with their volleys to maintain control and exploit their opponents' weaknesses.

Techniques for Successful Volleys

To effectively execute volleys in pickleball, players must develop proper techniques and strategies. Let's explore some key techniques that can improve your volley skills:

1. Ready Position:

Before attempting a volley, it is crucial to be in the correct position. Stand with your knees slightly bent, weight evenly distributed, and racket face pointed forward. This ready position will enable you to react quickly and move towards the ball efficiently.

To further enhance your ready position, consider the following tips:

- Keep your feet shoulder-width apart for stability.
- Relax your arms and shoulders to maintain agility.
- Keep your eyes focused on the opponent's paddle to anticipate their shot.

2. Soft Hands:

When volleying, it is essential to have soft hands, meaning relaxed wrists and fingers. This allows you to control the racket head better and make more precise shots. Gripping the racket too tightly can lead to mishits and loss of control.

To develop soft hands, try the following techniques:

- Practice holding the racket with a looser grip.
- Focus on maintaining a light touch on the racket handle.
- Experiment with different grip pressures to find what works best for you.

3. Eye on the Ball:

Maintaining focus on the ball throughout the volley is vital. By keeping your eyes fixed on the ball, you can anticipate its movement and make adjustments accordingly. This will enhance your timing, accuracy, and overall shot execution.

Here are some tips for keeping your eye on the ball:

- Train your peripheral vision to be aware of your opponent's positioning.
- Watch the ball closely as it comes towards you, tracking its trajectory.
- Practice drills that involve tracking the ball's movement without hitting it.

4. Footwork:

Quick and efficient footwork is key to successful volleys. Position yourself close to the net, but outside of the non-volley zone. Maintain a balanced stance and be ready to move in any direction to reach the ball. Controlled footwork allows you to position yourself optimally and maintain balance during volleys.

To improve your footwork for volleys, consider these techniques:

- Practice split-step footwork, where you jump slightly before your opponent hits the ball.
- Work on lateral movements to quickly cover the court.
- Incorporate agility drills into your training routine to enhance your overall speed and responsiveness.

5. Controlled Swing:

While hitting volleys, it is essential to have a controlled swing. A shorter and compact swing is recommended, as it provides better control and reduces the chances of overshooting your target. Focus on making clean contact with the ball and directing it precisely where you want it to go.

To develop a controlled swing for volleys, try these strategies:

- Practice hitting volleys with a shorter backswing, focusing on a compact motion.
- Experiment with different grips to find what allows for better control.
- Use your non-dominant hand as a guide to ensure a smooth and controlled swing.

Advantages of Volleys in Pickleball Strategy

Incorporating volleys into your pickleball strategy can offer several advantages during gameplay. Let's explore some benefits of utilizing volleys effectively:

1. Increased Speed and Tempo:

By hitting the ball before it bounces, you can maintain a faster pace and keep your opponents on their toes. Volleys allow you to react quickly and keep the game moving at a higher tempo, putting pressure on your opponents to respond rapidly.

To maximize the increased speed and tempo of volleys, consider these tactics:

- Aim for a deep volley to force your opponent to move quickly.
- Mix up your shots with varying speeds and angles to keep your opponent off balance.
- Use volleys strategically to disrupt your opponent's rhythm and prevent them from settling into a comfortable pace.

2. Better Court Coverage:

Volleys can provide improved court coverage since the ball spends less time in the air. By volleying, you can get to the ball faster and potentially reach shots that might have otherwise been out of reach. This allows you to maintain control of the game and dictate the direction of play.

To optimize your court coverage with volleys, employ these techniques:

- Anticipate your opponent's shots by analyzing their body position and racket angle.
- Use quick footwork to position yourself effectively for volleys, allowing you to cover more ground.
- Practice drills that focus on volleying from different areas of the court to improve your overall court awareness.

3. Offensive Opportunities:

Well-executed volleys can create offensive opportunities, especially when combined with strategic shot placement. By volleying aggressively and placing the ball strategically, you can force your opponents into defensive positions, making it harder for them to return shots effectively.

To capitalize on offensive opportunities with volleys, consider these strategies:

- Aim for the sidelines and corners of the court to make it difficult for your opponent to reach the ball.
- Use volleys to set up shots that force your opponent to move out of position.
- Practice hitting volleys with varying speeds and spins to keep your opponent guessing.

4. Neutralization of Opponent's Attack:

Volleys can be an effective way to neutralize your opponent's attack. By intercepting the ball early, you can disrupt their rhythm and prevent them from executing powerful shots. This can give you an advantage and force them to play more defensively.

To neutralize your opponent's attack with volleys, employ these tactics:

- Anticipate your opponent's shots by reading their body language and racket positioning.
- Focus on executing volleys with depth and accuracy to limit your opponent's options.
- Use volleys to redirect the ball away from your opponent's preferred hitting zones.

5. Psychological Advantage:

Mastering volleys not only enhances your technical skills but also provides a psychological advantage. When opponents see that you are comfortable volleying and executing shots without letting the ball bounce, it can create doubt and make them more cautious in their own gameplay.

To leverage the psychological advantage of volleys, consider these approaches:

- Showcase your confidence in volleys through consistent and well-executed shots.
- Mix up your volley techniques to keep your opponent guessing and off balance.
- Use volleys strategically to disrupt your opponent's rhythm and confidence.


In conclusion, volleys play a crucial role in pickleball strategy and can significantly impact the outcome of a match. By understanding the techniques and advantages of volleys, players can improve their overall game and gain a competitive edge. Incorporate volleys into your playing style, practice the necessary techniques, and watch as your pickleball skills soar to new heights.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a volley in pickleball?
  A volley in pickleball refers to hitting the ball in the air without allowing it to bounce on the ground first. It is executed near the non-volley zone and requires quick and accurate shots to maintain control.

2. What techniques can improve my volley skills in pickleball?
  To improve your volley skills in pickleball, you can focus on techniques such as maintaining a ready position, developing soft hands, keeping your eye on the ball, and improving your footwork. These techniques will enhance your reaction time, control, and shot execution.

3. What are the advantages of incorporating volleys into my pickleball strategy?
  Incorporating volleys into your pickleball strategy can offer several advantages, including increased speed and tempo, better court coverage, offensive opportunities, neutralization of your opponent's attack, and a psychological advantage. Volleys allow you to maintain a faster pace, cover more ground, create offensive opportunities, disrupt your opponent's rhythm, and gain a psychological edge.

4. How can I maximize the advantages of volleys in pickleball strategy?
  To maximize the advantages of volleys in pickleball strategy, you can focus on tactics such as aiming for deep volleys, mixing up your shots with varying speeds and angles, strategically placing the ball, anticipating your opponent's shots, employing quick footwork, and showcasing confidence in your volley skills. These strategies will help you maintain control, keep your opponent off balance, and gain a competitive edge.