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Complete Instructions: How to Play Pickleball Step by Step

Complete Instructions: How to Play Pickleball Step by Step

Pickleball is a popular and fast-growing sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It can be played both indoors and outdoors on a court with a net in the middle. If you're new to pickleball and want to learn how to play this exciting game, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Equipment

Before you can start playing pickleball, you need to gather the necessary equipment. Here's a list of what you'll need:

1. Pickleball Paddle: This is a paddle-shaped racket that you will use to hit the ball. Pickleball paddles come in various materials, such as wood, composite, and graphite. Each material offers different characteristics, such as durability, power, and control. Consider your playing style and skill level when choosing a paddle.

2. Pickleball: Pickleballs are similar to wiffle balls and have holes in them to reduce speed and increase control. These balls are designed to be lightweight and durable, ensuring longevity on the court. There are different types of pickleballs available, such as indoor and outdoor balls, each suitable for specific court surfaces.

3. Pickleball Court: Find a suitable pickleball court near you, either indoor or outdoor, with the correct dimensions and net height. Indoor courts are typically smaller than outdoor courts, measuring 20 feet by 44 feet, while outdoor courts are 22 feet by 44 feet. The net height should be 34 inches at the center.

Step 2: Understand the Basic Rules

To play pickleball effectively, it's important to understand the basic rules. Here's a brief overview:

1. Serving: The game starts with an underhand serve from the right-hand service area diagonally across the court. The server must keep one foot behind the baseline and hit the ball below the waist level. The serve must clear the non-volley zone and land in the diagonal service court. Only one attempt is allowed, and the serve must rotate between partners.

2. Volley: After the serve, players must let the ball bounce once on each side before volleying or hitting it in the air. Volleys can be made anywhere on the court, except within the non-volley zone. A volley is a shot that is hit in the air before it bounces. Players can volley the ball as long as they are not standing within the non-volley zone.

3. Double Bounce Rule: The receiving team must let the serve bounce and the serving team must let the return of serve bounce before volleying. This double bounce rule ensures that both teams have an equal opportunity to reach the non-volley zone and engage in a volley rally. After the two bounces, volleys or groundstrokes are allowed.

4. Non-volley Zone: There is a seven-foot non-volley zone on either side of the net, known as the kitchen, where players cannot volley the ball. The non-volley zone prevents players from standing close to the net and smashing the ball, promoting strategic and controlled shots. Players may enter the non-volley zone after the ball has bounced outside of it.

Step 3: Learn the Basic Shots

To play pickleball effectively, you'll need to learn the basic shots. Here are the most common shots in pickleball:

1. The Serve: The serve is an underhand shot that starts the game. It must be hit diagonally to the opposite service area. There are different types of serves in pickleball, such as the deep serve, the short serve, and the lob serve. Each serve has its own purpose and can be used strategically to gain an advantage over your opponents.

2. The Dink: A dink is a soft shot that is hit just over the net, close to the opponent's non-volley zone. It requires finesse and control. The purpose of a dink is to place the ball in a difficult position for your opponents, forcing them to hit a weak shot or make an error. The dink is often used in the kitchen area to create opportunities for a winning shot.

3. The Drive: A drive is a powerful shot that is hit with more speed and force, aiming to keep the ball low and fast. This shot is often used to drive the ball past your opponents or to create a defensive shot that is difficult to return. The drive requires good timing, technique, and racquet head speed to generate power and accuracy.

4. The Lob: A lob shot is hit high in the air, often to get your opponent away from the net and create an opportunity to attack. Lobs are useful when your opponents are playing close to the net, as it forces them to move backward and gives you time to reposition or set up for a winning shot. Lobs require good judgment of distance and trajectory to be effective.

Step 4: Master the Pickleball Strategy

To excel in pickleball, it's essential to have a strategy. Here are a few tips to consider:

1. Positioning: Play close to the non-volley zone to take advantage of your opponent's weak shots. By positioning yourself near the kitchen, you can quickly react to short shots and put pressure on your opponents. However, be mindful of not stepping into the non-volley zone before the ball has bounced.

2. Communication: Effective communication with your partner is crucial, especially when deciding who should hit certain shots. Clear communication helps avoid confusion and ensures that both players are in the right position to cover the court effectively. Develop a system of signals or verbal cues to indicate who will take specific shots.

3. Placement: Aim to hit shots toward the sideline or at your opponent's feet to make it more challenging for them to return the ball. By targeting the sidelines, you can reduce the available court space for your opponents and force them into making errors. Hitting shots at your opponent's feet can restrict their movement and limit their shot options.

4. Shot Selection: Adapt your shots based on the situation and your opponent's weaknesses. Mix up dinks, drives, and lobs to keep your opponents off balance. Analyze your opponent's playing style and adjust your shot selection accordingly. For example, if your opponent struggles with high shots, use more lobs to exploit their weakness.

Step 5: Practice and Improve

As with any sport, practice is key to improving your pickleball skills. Here are some tips to help you practice effectively:

1. Warm-Up: Start your practice session with a warm-up routine, including light stretching and short rallies to get your body ready. Warming up helps prevent injuries and prepares your muscles for the physical demands of pickleball.

2. Drills: Focus on specific aspects of the game, such as serving, dinking, or volleys, and practice drills that target those skills. For example, set up a drill where you practice serving from different angles or simulate game situations where you have to hit consecutive dinks.

3. Play with Different Partners: Playing with different partners will expose you to various playing styles and strategies, helping you improve your overall game. Each partner will bring a unique perspective and challenge you in different ways. This variety will enhance your adaptability and decision-making skills on the court.

4. Watch and Learn: Watch professional pickleball matches and learn from the strategies and techniques used by experienced players. Observing how professionals approach the game can provide valuable insights and inspire you to try new tactics. Pay attention to their shot selection, footwork, and positioning to incorporate their strategies into your own gameplay.

Remember, the more you practice and play, the better you'll become at pickleball. So, get out on the court, have fun, and enjoy the game!


Pickleball is a fun and engaging sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. By following these step-by-step instructions, you'll be well on your way to playing pickleball like a pro. Remember to gather the necessary equipment, understand the rules, learn the basic shots, develop a strategy, and practice regularly. So, grab your paddle, find a court, and get ready to experience the thrill of pickleball!


What equipment do I need to play pickleball?

To play pickleball, you will need a pickleball paddle, pickleballs, and a pickleball court.

What are the basic rules of pickleball?

The basic rules of pickleball include serving underhand, letting the ball bounce once on each side before volleying, following the double bounce rule, and avoiding the non-volley zone.

What are the basic shots in pickleball?

The basic shots in pickleball include the serve, the dink, the drive, and the lob.

How can I improve my pickleball skills?

To improve your pickleball skills, you can practice regularly, focus on specific aspects of the game through drills, play with different partners, and learn from watching professional matches.